What Does the Northern Virginia Real Estate Market Look Like?

Northern Virginia has a wide variety of top-quality homes within a lively and vibrant real estate market. If you're wanting to browse the vast selection of homes, GO HERE to perform a Full Home Search if you're interested in buying a home. For any other questions you have regarding your home's value, or the general state of the Northern Virginia market, please feel free to reach out to us at (703) 615-5888 (for Deanna), or (703) 969-0410 (for Jim).

Hey there everyone, We are here today to bring you a very brief market update for Northern Virginia. Here are the latest statistics, from our local MLS
Northern Virginia Real Estate Agents
  • Overall, the market is up 15% in dollar value 
  • Of that 15%, we are seeing 7% more units move 
  • The average price per unit is up 8% 
  • Days on the market has also increased, by about 32%
Here's the most important thing you need to know right now: interest rates are going up soon. When they go up, buyers can't afford as much home, and it's harder for sellers to sell. Rate increases are coming this year, so now is the time to be proactive about it.

If you have any questions for us, feel free to give me a call or send me an email. I would be glad to help out.

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